Make required prescription verification easy and fast at point of care.

Serve your patients at the clinic or point-of-care immediately instead of waiting for medications to arrive from your pharmacy.

The Joint Commission and other organizations require that prescriptions be verified by a pharmacist prior to dispensing or administration. However, it’s not always feasible at remote clinics or ERs to meet this requirement. PickPoint® Remote Dispensing System permits dispensing from remote clinic or ER as opposed to sending the patient to a pharmacy for prescription, or delivering medication to clinic.

Enabling remote and after-hours dispensing. Extend telepharmacy point-of-care.

Take the power of your pharmacy team further with the PickPoint®. Remote Dispensing It makes it easy for you to add remote dispensing to your clinics and points-of-care facilities. Streamline operations, reduce costs, improve outcomes, and ensure compliance with one easy-to-integrate solution. Contact your PickPoint® representative today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Reliable, secure, compliant, and built for high-demand healthcare facilities like yours:
Private Hospitals & Healthcare Systems
Department of Defense
Veteran Affairs
Indian Health Services

“I have been interested in automation solutions for many years, but never felt they could cost-justify themselves. However, at an industry tradeshow I discovered PickPoint®, and the price was right for the solution I thought it could give my pharmacy. My pharmacy has really grown in the last year, and we are now filling about 1,300 scripts per week. Generally, without interruption it used take up to 2 minutes to fill an script. However, now it handles around 50% of my volume, and the complete process for getting a customer a script takes under a minute with the PickPoint® cabinet. This has enabled our pharmacy volume to grow without adding more headcount.”
Bob Coulter,
Red Cross United Pharmacy
LeGrande, OR

Contact your PickPoint® representative today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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